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What Causes Panic Attacks in Children

on Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The panic attacks have been reported, with the data of children suffering from this condition. Although there's still few data due to low frequency of reporting in this type of situation. Many adults seems to just ignore or dismiss it because they do not understand as to why a child suffers this type of attack. If a panic attack is not diagnosed properly during the early lifetime years it will be evolving to so much problem when the child is already grown up. A panic attack in a child stems out to so many factors like fear, worry, terror as well as dread or the perceived threats in future time.

The symptoms triggering an attack in a child are: the feeling of fear, rapid beating of heart, vertigo, shaking all over (that feeling of surrealistic or unrealistic imaginations, fear in being insane or in death), and incapable to breath properly. In general, an adolescent can have more tendency to this type of attacks however it can also be seen with young kids too. The history of your family having panic attacks will increase chances of children in experiencing the disorder.

A child that undergoes this attack regularly can be very affected in terms of his friends, his process of development as well as his studies. Attacks might be having the fear of open spaces, it can cause your child the fear of leaving the house, be extremely afraid of studying or go to places, as well as be anxious even without experiencing any attacks. Teenagers who suffers this type of condition have the tendency in becoming suicidal or might turn in alcohol, numbing the pain that is felt during the attacks.


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